¡Restauración y Reconciliación!: Benny Hinn vuelve con su esposa

Hace un par de años una historia de divorcio me impactó muchísimo (escribí sobre ella aquí).  El divorcio en aquel entonces de Benny Hinn con su esposa Suzanne fue un fuerte shock para el mundo evangélico, tanto por la sorpresa como con la forma en que se manejó y la cadena de rumores que se desencadenó.

Confieso que nunca he sido fan de Benny Hinn, sin embargo, el día de hoy me gozo y doy gloria a Dios por la reconciliación y restauración de este matrimonio y familia.  En una nota muy personal y honesta, Benny Hinn relata la historia de la reconciliación de su familia, las causas del divorcio y el camino que están tomando para ser restaurados. De nuevo, ¡gloria a Dios!

Hoy aprendemos que todos estamos sujetos al pecado, a tomar terribles decisiones, pero que no importa quién seamos ni dónde estemos, el poder del perdón, la gracia y la misericordia de Dios es más grande que cualquier cosa. ¡Bendiciones a la familia Hinn!

Aquí comparto el texto de la nota de Benny Hinn y el original pueden leerlo aquí.

It all began at Christmas when we were together at Suzanne’s house in Orlando, Florida. Suzanne and I and all of our children and grandchildren were there. It was a beautiful day I will never forget, and that is when the Lord began to do His mighty work.

Suzanne and I want to thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for praying for us and our family. The Lord has surely answered your prayers! Suzanne and I are more in love with each other than ever before.

The covenant we made with God more than 30 years ago was never broken in His sight. Both of us believe our greatest days are ahead and the best is yet to come.

The last three years have been very painful for Suzanne and me and for the children—more painful than we can ever explain or describe. Suzanne and I will share much more with you in a future letter and soon on This Is Your Day. Please be watching next Thursday and Friday, June 7–8.

Our marriage died for two reasons. One, I, Benny Hinn, was married to the ministry, not realizing it was killing my marriage. And two, Suzanne started taking certain prescription medications to help her cope with some of her personal struggles. She became dependant on those for nearly 15 years, and those medications made her behave erratically at times. As her husband, I did not know what kinds of medicine she was taking or realize what they were doing to her.

What I want you to know is that she was totally set free from the need for these medications in 2011. And today she is completely whole. And for that I give the Lord the praise.

The truth of the matter is that Suzanne filed for divorce because she was crying out for help. The divorce most certainly woke me up, and the Lord used it to show me—as a man of God and as a man—that I cannot function properly without my wife and family.

Not only did our family suffer as a result, but the ministry also suffered greatly. Many partners walked away, not realizing or knowing what took place and why. But I believe that the Lord is restoring not just my family but also the ministry.

I need you as my partner today more than ever. And I promise you I will continue to preach the Gospel with all my heart and with Suzanne at my side. She and I will travel the world together, ministering the Gospel and the power of God. And we both believe that God will not only save lives and heal bodies but will also heal families. God is no respecter of persons, and if He did it for us, He will do it for others.

Because of our experience, God will do more with us in the future.

I need to hear from you today. Again thank you, from the depths of our hearts, for your prayers and financial support. And I’m asking you again today to help Suzanne and me to continue serving the Lord as we must. We have many crusades planned oversees and in the U.S., and we must keep the ministry strong through television, crusades, and helping the needy around the world.

I await your response today and pray the Lord will bless you and keep you as the apple of His eye, hiding you under the shadow of His wings, meeting all your needs—spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially—and blessing your family and home, bringing glory to His name,

Benny Hinn

Cómo actualización, recientemente Benny Hinn anunció públicamente sus planes de volver a contraer matrimonio con su esposa Suzanne y sellar así con broche de oro la restauración de su matrimonio y familia. ¡Felicidades!

Videos recientes del testimonio de los Hinn:


5 Comentarios Agrega el tuyo

  1. Aunque hasta hoy lo vi me encanta el testimonio y la noticia, celebro la victoria de uno de los hijos de Dios, aunque no comparto utilizar el testimonio como una herramienta para pedir apoyo economico, pero igual la gloria de la restauracion sea para Dios, y que nuestro Padre siga trabajando en nuestras vidas, para que le glorifiquemos en todo.

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  2. Maria Elsa Chacon Diaz dice:

    You are my spiritual father in the most critical moments, God bless and keep you always, love benny hinn family

    Me gusta

  3. sofia gutierrez mendez dice:

    me gozo por esta buena noticia… el Señor bendiga al doble al matrimonio HInn

    Me gusta



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